You want to grow your business? We know how.
With the rising cybersecurity awareness, there’s never been a better time to partner with ID Quantique and become a quantum-safe partner, delivering cutting-edge technology to your customers in the quantum computing era.
Find out moreWhat benefits for you?

Quantum-Safe system integrators
Couple your best-of-breed services, insight and expertise with the power of the Quantum-safe leading technology to deliver robust solutions to your clients.
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Quantum-Safe value-added resellers
Generate new leads and accelerate the growth of your business with the industry’s most comprehensive quantum-safe portfolio of solutions.
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Quantum-Safe Distributors
Adopt new products, serve new markets and create a new revenue stream growth through a proven technologies and brand strength that IDQ provides.
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Single-Photon Systems resellers
Grow your business and unlock new opportunities with ID Quantique’s leading photon counting modules, timing devices and electronics.
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